Sunday, October 17, 2010

Pew Faith or Street Faith?

Someone that I am friends with, Brandt Russo, on Facebook posted this today"I had a guy at the sports bar this morning ask me a very interesting, honest question. "If Jesus is love and went out of His way to love others, why aren't more of you here instead of expecting for us to go to you." I just smiled and patted his shoulder. Thoughts?"

I wonder how have we arrived at this point? Where we won't step foot into places that we have deemed sinful. The places where the people who are in need of the love that God has are. Honestly, I think it is because most Christians are more comfortable staying in the church building than going out and embodying the Church, showing the world what Christ is truly like. This is so far from the way that Christ lived his life when He walked the earth.

I fear what many forget is that Jesus did not live a comfortable life. He lived and walked among the people that society deemed worthless and impure. He broke the rules that the preachers/teachers of the day had set in place. He taught a new way of life, a way that leads us to eternity. How can we not want to go out and share that with others? I am not saying that we should just go out and talk at people, we need to listen. Jesus talked with people and he listened. He healed by doing these things. 

Many Christians seem to have the teach them in the pew evangelism thing going on believing that people will feel the need to come to church and find God. But what Christ calls us to do is go into the world and make disciples of all nations. He never said to stay indoors and let them come to you, He said go into the world

Any thoughts? 

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