Monday, October 28, 2013

Hold on Heart

You have held my heart for years
Of that I have been unaware

I had an epiphany the other day
I want you in my world
But time and distance
Are fighting me, hard

Every day, I wish you were here
Every day, you are not

I try to keep in touch
But each attempt is thwarted
You say you are busy
But I am starting to see the truth

Every day, I wish you were here
Every day, you are not

Every night, you fill my mind
And sleep evades me
I go back to when I last saw you
When you held me close

Every day, I wish you were here
Every day, you are not

I am trying to move on
But the hold you have on my heart
Is vice-like, strong, years deep
Maybe one day, but not today

You have held my heart for years
Of this I am now aware

Now I hold a space for someone else
In the space where you used to be
You are now a distant memory
Someone who flashes across my screen

I have let go of you
You held my heart for years
And now I am aware of only the future

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wrapped Up

You had me all wrapped up in you
For those few moments I felt I mattered
Them time and space separated
And I realized I was just a distraction

Thursday, April 25, 2013


There is a crack in the sky
where the universe is pouring in
filling up each crevice in the
barren wasteland

There is a crack in each heart
where love is leaking from
replacing the hate filling this
barren wasteland

There is a crack in her voice
where her fear is escaping
being replaced by courage to
take on this barren wasteland


They told us
life is never that simple
we told them
only because you make it
so very hard

They told us
beauty could not be made
then we showed them
the words in our hearts
painting visions of grandeur
leaving them speechless

They told us
love is only conditional
we taught them
that love does not
have limitations
that they were the ones
selfishly hoarding their love

We taught them
and left them speechless

Someday, Maybe

You told me
“Someday, maybe”
I believed you

You told me
“You are beautiful, but...”
I believed you

You told me
“Forever is too long”
I believed you

You told me
“I found someone...”
I saw you for the first time

I told you
“So long my love”
I believed in me

Secrets for the Moon

She once told the moon her secrets
in hopes her secrets would be safe
with the man in the moon
the things that spilled from her lips
were secrets she kept locked in her heart
safe from everyone’s sight
She kept her heart locked and threw


There is hope in the breeze
and love in each raindrop
the parched earth laid out
to receive the moisture

I open my heart to the love
that you have for me
my parched heart ready for


to the sorrow
to the pain
to the agony

to the love
to the joy
to the pleasure

Monday, April 15, 2013

Boa Constrictor Love

You have a grip on my soul
that I cannot comprehend
I try to rid myself of you
but each time I try to loosen your grip
I feel you squeeze tighter

I beg you
let go, set me free
I cannot live another day with
your boa constrictor love, consuming

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

He is Beauty

He laughed a bright, beautiful laugh
it started deep in his chest and spread
like a wildfire in a dry land
his soul so thirsty from years of


Each minute of laughter filled
the cracked, dry land of his soul
joy oozing through and filling
the holes in his beautifully broken soul

His laugh now fills up my being
with joy, love, beauty

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

Grace In All Things

A graciousness flows from her being
a beauty in everything she does, says
she is love personified
each expression showing her true self
while many may not see her beauty
it is there in every little thing
that comes from her hands, mind, heart
she is a daughter, mother, lover
the most beautiful of all creatures
in her dreams she is a ballerina
gracefully fluid in movements and voice
and each day she wakes up
she finds that even though
her dreams don't line up with reality
she feels that grace is seeping from her pores

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

Pointed Home

She always fought with her fists pointed home
always trying to get back but only losing ground
each hit finding its home in the middle of her soul
each step forward taking everything farther away

She always fought with her fists pointed home
too bad no one told her home was with her the whole time  

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)


I know deep down that you are there
but I cannot feel you in my heart
I cannot feel you next to me
the wonderful peace I feel when you're near
is absent, a hole in my being
I cannot feel anything
other than the fear coursing through my veins
your absence steals my breathe
there is a whole in my soul

And then in the stillness
Your voice whispers to me
“I am here, always.”

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

At Every Opportunity

At every opportunity look down
so you can help raise someone up
At every turn look for someone
who can teach you something new
At every chance look beside you
to thank the people who have helped you

And always keep your hands open
to accept the blessings (and bad times)
with beauty and grace

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

The Battle

Each day was the ending of a nightmare
and the beginning of a horrible dream
light was hiding out of sight
fearing the dark that could consume it
until light broke through the dark
beginning with a pinpoint of light
spreading to consume the darkness
hiding in every corner
darkness losing its battle
to the purity of the light

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

Monday, April 8, 2013

You Are

Who am I to say
your the best, the greatest

Who am I to tout
your beauty, your grace

Who am I to claim
you have changed me

Who am I to know
the greatness of your love

Who. Am. I?

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

Beautiful Love

if there was one word
to describe who you are
I can only imagine
what it would be
one word can simply
not contain all you are

but one word that comes to mind is: beauty

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Open Wide

each petal unfurls
like the first rays of a sunrise
slow, deliberate, beautiful
each one spreading out
hugging the sun close
like two lovers long separated

each petal the color
of a young girl blushing
on her very first date
standing next to her date
while her dad sizes him up

beauty in each small detail

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

First Loves and Such

a third of my life was spent
making memories with you
you are what I remember
when I look back at my childhood

but that is all you have become
a distant memory
that fills me we joy
and a longing I cannot explain

I don't know how else to tell you
but you were my first love
and when you turned your back on me
my heart broke in two

and yet somehow I still love(d) you...

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Two Things to Say

I have two things to say 
one is much harder to say
(than the other)
both can heal 
both can be a lie, hurting

I want to say, "I'm sorry."
and, "I love you."

*Note: I am not following the topics/style suggestions for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am too lazy to do so)

Day Won

Each new day
I wake up with hopes
of ending the day a winner

At days end
I usually feel like
I got stuck somewhere
in between
victory and failure

*NOTE: I am not following the suggestions for topics/style for NaPoWriMo (mainly because I am way to lazy to do so).

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Once Great

We were once the greatest of these
flaunting our riches for the least of these
we stuffed our pockets full of riches
like greedy birds hoarding all we had
selfishly holding our possessions
with white-knuckled greed
we filled our mouths with haughty words
and painted our faces with pretentious stares
looking down on all those who have naught

then our worlds tilted one degree too far
and our riches started sliding
(slowly at first)
out of our hands
the gravity of our situation took its time sinking in
all the while, our hands tired from gripping our possessions,
started losing their strength
and our things started slipping through our hands like sand
our hands weak from our fear of loosing
grasping for and missing all that was falling away
we couldn't see beyond our loss
to see all the we would gain

with our hearts in our throats
threatening to choke what little life remained in us
and our bodies quaking like an aftershock
we started our long walk forward
reluctantly letting go of the last vestiges of our previous lives
we marched past all those who had claimed to be our friends, allies
with their fingers pointing and their laughter following us home
we, ow humbled, began the awkward dance of finding ourselves...again
humbled and changed (changing)

we were once the greatest of these
now we are the least of these