Monday, October 28, 2013

Hold on Heart

You have held my heart for years
Of that I have been unaware

I had an epiphany the other day
I want you in my world
But time and distance
Are fighting me, hard

Every day, I wish you were here
Every day, you are not

I try to keep in touch
But each attempt is thwarted
You say you are busy
But I am starting to see the truth

Every day, I wish you were here
Every day, you are not

Every night, you fill my mind
And sleep evades me
I go back to when I last saw you
When you held me close

Every day, I wish you were here
Every day, you are not

I am trying to move on
But the hold you have on my heart
Is vice-like, strong, years deep
Maybe one day, but not today

You have held my heart for years
Of this I am now aware

Now I hold a space for someone else
In the space where you used to be
You are now a distant memory
Someone who flashes across my screen

I have let go of you
You held my heart for years
And now I am aware of only the future

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