Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A little something for all the English nerds!

Stick this in your ear - The listener

It is just not fair coma how you can apostrophe T 
process this so dash called savuafair coma in the air exclamation 
trying to be compatible so hyphen to dash speak semi colon 
with my quotation quotables colon 
you love who you are period I love who I am period 
but when it comes to liking parentheses yourself 
you have a question mark period new paragraph 
I have a solution I have a fresh point dash of hyphen view period
I apostrophe M punctuating boundaries ampersand all caps 
cannot speak to you quotations mentally underscore evidently 
ellipses end line tab it is so hard to re dash invent myself 
to a platform that you can italics understand period 
that you can hold in your hand 
coma why question mark am I the quote 
infection that keeps your head dash aching period 
parentheses if you would listen to the synergies of my thoughts 
it would keep your quote foundation from shaking exclamation 
so all caps bold this is for your ear coma for your head coma and for your thoughts 
just cram it in far and you will see dot dot dot.


  1. haha, I love the ending:

    just cram it in far and you will see dot dot dot.

  2. yeah, pretty much love that part. I almost fell off my couch when I heard it the first time from laughing so hard.
